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Access violation at address 00000000

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Access violation at address 00000000

Post by Vlek »

I've been running completely legal python script, and I've been receiving this error:

Code: Select all

An exception raised at <<19 November>>, 22:34:37:766
Access violation at address 00000000 in module 'Stealth.exe'. Read of address 00000000
(FFFFF000){Stealth.exe } [00000000]
It appears stealth is trying to read null memory and erroring out.
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Re: Access violation at address 00000000

Post by Macks »

Find another place for the writing of stupidity.
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Re: Access violation at address 00000000

Post by Vlek »

If Stealth was written by an American in a current language instead of some drunk Russian with an old Delphi manual written in the 90's, then it would probably work. Instead, I have to fight with it at every turn. Thanks for your help though, commi.
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Re: Access violation at address 00000000

Post by Vizit0r »

okey. you can use another programs, written by normal guys, on normal english and not in delphi. It will work always correct, without any errors and problems, np.

every time i tell to every guy, who have problems with built-in Py - use external Py scripts. But why? Better i will use built-in, receive all time errors, have problems, write about this stupid program, who works so bad...yes, that is much better.
"Пишите код так, как будто сопровождать его будет склонный к насилию психопат, который знает, где вы живете". (с) Макконнелл, "Совершенный код".
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Re: Access violation at address 00000000

Post by Vlek »

If it's the case that the build-in Python module is such shit, then why don't you use Boydon's wrapper internally?
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Re: Access violation at address 00000000

Post by Vizit0r »

because it's EXTERNAL. It can't be buit-in. Abosutely another work system.
"Пишите код так, как будто сопровождать его будет склонный к насилию психопат, который знает, где вы живете". (с) Макконнелл, "Совершенный код".
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Re: Access violation at address 00000000

Post by Vlek »

I'm using the wrapper now, and it's giving me three errors:

The first error window I get has this:

Code: Select all

Error, New ReturnValue incoming, but previous not used yet! Report to developer now!
The second,

Code: Select all

Error, Packet parsed incorrectly
The third,

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\", line 27, in <module>
exec(code, m.__dict__)
File "", line 410 in <module>
File "C:\Users\Vlek\Desktop\", line 2457, in GetX
  return stealth_dll.Script_GetX(ObjID)
WindowsError: [Error 250477278] Windows Error 0xEEDFADE
I looked up the error code I'm getting, and stackoverflow is saying that it's a delphi error message that's being called. Considering this always crashes my stealth, I'm thinking it's a Stealth bug. It looks like there may be something weird with stealth.GetX.
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Re: Access violation at address 00000000

Post by Vizit0r »

Vlek wrote: The first error window I get has this:

Code: Select all

Error, New ReturnValue incoming, but previous not used yet! Report to developer now!
Vlek wrote: The second,

Code: Select all

Error, Packet parsed incorrectly
1&2 - 2 messages, 1 error.
Vlek wrote: The third,

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\", line 27, in <module>
exec(code, m.__dict__)
File "", line 410 in <module>
File "C:\Users\Vlek\Desktop\", line 2457, in GetX
  return stealth_dll.Script_GetX(ObjID)
WindowsError: [Error 250477278] Windows Error 0xEEDFADE
seems like thats debug py message for this error
Vlek wrote: I looked up the error code I'm getting, and stackoverflow is saying that it's a delphi error message that's being called. Considering this always crashes my stealth, I'm thinking it's a Stealth bug. It looks like there may be something weird with stealth.GetX.
Strange, Boydon tests all packets for send-receive. Maybe old version?
"Пишите код так, как будто сопровождать его будет склонный к насилию психопат, который знает, где вы живете". (с) Макконнелл, "Совершенный код".
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Re: Access violation at address 00000000

Post by Vlek »

To my knowledge, I'm using the most up-to-date version. It's the one found here:
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