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by 01101011
13.05.2020 12:22
Forum: Help
Topic: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?
Replies: 15
Views: 60102

Re: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?

hi guys, sorry for "An Corp" topic, but i find the error =]] my shard don't use the right way to use menucontext, i go do exemplo: in razor: Assistant.Macro.ContextMenu|0x0G8D3HY|518|3007001 -> i use Buy Assistant.Macro.ContextMenu|0x0G8D3HY|519|3007002 -> i use Sell but if i use in stealt...
by 01101011
13.05.2020 11:55
Forum: Help
Topic: It's possible stop NewMoveXY?
Replies: 1
Views: 14168

It's possible stop NewMoveXY?

i trying to use Stop Move, but not work (or i doing something wrong), i need stop new move when i find any item in ground, ex: if NewMoveXY(2000, 2000, false, 0, true) then begin if (FindType($FFFF, ground) > 0) then begin MoverStop; NewMoveXY(GetX(finditem), GetY(finditem), false, 1, true); wait(10...
by 01101011
06.05.2020 17:38
Forum: Help
Topic: its possible to enter a command that only stealth read?
Replies: 2
Views: 16218

Re: its possible to enter a command that only stealth read?

hotkey doesn't work for me, i need get a value but i can use journal, ty bro =]] lastmsg := LastJournalMessage; Delete(lastmsg,1,Pos(':',lastmsg)+1); if lastmsg = 'get' then begin Get; wait(100); TimeI := Now; end; if lastmsg = 'mark' then begin Mark; wait(100); TimeI := Now; end; if StrToInt(lastms...
by 01101011
06.05.2020 12:29
Forum: Help
Topic: its possible to enter a command that only stealth read?
Replies: 2
Views: 16218

its possible to enter a command that only stealth read?

I trying make script react a especifc commands, but i don't like to show the command in journal to everybody, i tryed to use "/", but i'm alone and can't create party (and stealth can't read "Note to self:" in journal), "\" but i don't have guild and "," but c...
by 01101011
26.04.2020 14:44
Forum: Help
Topic: How can i find a non static tile and multis (like a boat)
Replies: 2
Views: 15826

How can i find a non static tile and multis (like a boat)

How can i find a non static tile and multis (like a boat)
i try readstaticsxy and FindAtCord, i didn't get the results i wanted.
i need get multis pieces of boat.

ty for att. =]]]]
by 01101011
04.04.2020 20:38
Forum: Help
Topic: whats wrong with this script?
Replies: 2
Views: 16352

Re: whats wrong with this script?

ty bro =]
by 01101011
04.04.2020 19:14
Forum: Help
Topic: whats wrong with this script?
Replies: 2
Views: 16352

whats wrong with this script?

Program Test; Var fx, fy : integer; const x0 = 0; x1 = 10; y0 = 0; y1 = 10; procedure Find; begin for fy := 0 to ((y1 - y0) / 5) do begin for fx := 0 to ((x1 - x0) / 5) do begin addtosystemjournal(fx + ' - ' + fy); end; end; end; Begin Find; End. 00:00:00:000 [name]: Compiler: [Error] (C:\Stealth\S...
by 01101011
11.05.2019 15:09
Forum: Help
Topic: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?
Replies: 15
Views: 60102

Re: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?

restart = like a shutdown and turn on again to debug the shard.

i think my shard doesn't work well with contextmenu, even without using stealth, some times i can't get npc menucontext with click.
by 01101011
08.05.2019 3:54
Forum: Help
Topic: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?
Replies: 15
Views: 60102

Re: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?

i can't use ContextMenu anymore, stopped working with all chars, i think when my shard restart the "contextmenu" will work again for one more time with all chars =[

any way to integrate Razor+Stealth?
by 01101011
02.05.2019 3:18
Forum: Help
Topic: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?
Replies: 15
Views: 60102

Re: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?

Log when i click on NPC to open Context Menu (manual click). 00:00:00:000: CharName boy, Client -> Server: 0xBF, len: 6 0000: BF 00 06 00 24 54 ....$T 00:00:00:000: CharName boy, Client -> Server: 0xBF, len: 9 0000: BF 00 09 00 13 04 9E F9 3C ........< 00:00:00:000: CharName boy, Server -> Client: 0...
by 01101011
01.05.2019 23:21
Forum: Help
Topic: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?
Replies: 15
Views: 60102

Re: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?

when ContextMenu its works the script return all context, but when ContextMenu not works, the script return nothing Program ContexMenu; var MenuList : TStringList; i : integer; npc : cardinal; {$Include ''} begin CheckLag; FindDistance := 2: npc := FindType($0191,ground); //female npc Se...
by 01101011
01.05.2019 21:21
Forum: Help
Topic: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?
Replies: 15
Views: 60102

Re: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?

i thing my shard has a problem, some times i get contextmenu with click in the npc, some times not. but even when i can't get the menu by clicking on npc, Razor contextmenu still works. i don't know if its important, but when i can't get the npc menu (manually) clicking in the npc, SetContextMenuHoo...
by 01101011
01.05.2019 19:43
Forum: Help
Topic: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?
Replies: 15
Views: 60102

Re: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?

hmn, some times it works, some times not Program ContexMenu; var i : integer; npc : cardinal; begin FindDistance := 1; npc := FindType($0191,ground); //female npc RequestContextMenu(npc); SetContextMenuHook(npc, 0); end. i try 398 times with 1 char, but when i changed the char, in the first try i ha...
by 01101011
30.04.2019 18:58
Forum: Help
Topic: how can i use SetContextMenuHook?
Replies: 15
Views: 60102

how can i use SetContextMenuHook?

when i use contextmenu in Razor i have success

Code: Select all

but when i use contextmenu in stealth i dont have any return/success

Code: Select all

SetContextMenuHook($00000E1E, 3007003);

Code: Select all

SetContextMenuHook($00000E1E, 200);
i doing some thing wrong?

ty for attention =]]]