Hi - I have some questions and requests regarding the SetARExtParams function. The function works well, but I'd like to be able to fully utilize it.
Could we get more information about how to use SetARExtParams(ShardName : String; CharName : String; UseAtEveryConnect : Boolean) in the API documentation?
How does UseAtEveryConnect work? I haven't noticed a difference between true and false values.
Could this function be added to the dll, so that it is accessible to external scripts?
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Re: SetARExtParams
maybe if you have more than one character on a server, it will allways choose the specified character?
Re: SetARExtParams
okey, will fill up more info later.
"Пишите код так, как будто сопровождать его будет склонный к насилию психопат, который знает, где вы живете". (с) Макконнелл, "Совершенный код".