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Move long distances.

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Move long distances.

Post by arolds »

Hi there. I am trying to think of a way to make a script to move the character for long distances (for a treasure hunting script).
Pathfinding long distances (for example 1000 tiles) seems to be impossible with the regular functions (such as getpatharray and newmovexy).
Can anyone give me some tips on how to approach this?
Thank you!
nah nah
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Re: Move long distances.

Post by nah nah »

the first way - split path
the secons - write a new mover function without the limit
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Re: Move long distances.

Post by Vizit0r »

pathfinding function were limited due to huge time for calculationg.
Thats way big distance should be divided to few parts.
"Пишите код так, как будто сопровождать его будет склонный к насилию психопат, который знает, где вы живете". (с) Макконнелл, "Совершенный код".
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