I have a program that works great in easyuo script that exports the information to my sql database but I would like to have something that does this right from Stealth Client so I do not have to load the script in easyuo.
My Easyuo Script is as follows:
Code: Select all
set %symb [ ;use [ for global and < for guild
set %newLine #journal
scanJournal 1
if %newLine <> #journal
set %temp #journal
str pos %temp < p
str Left %temp 1
if #STRRES = %symb
set %string #journal
str Pos %string _
set %pos #strRes
str Del %string #strRes 1
str Ins #strRes #spc %pos
set %string #strRes
str Count %string _
if #strRes > 0
goto loop2
gosub phpsend localhost /wchat.php
set *NOTETEMP %string
set %newLine #journal
;menu List Select mainBuffer %index
goto loop:
sub phpsend
set #sendheader Content-type: , #spc , application/x-www-form-urlencoded$
send httppost %1 %2 textarea= , %string ;<br>
Is there someone that can help rewrite this . If it can be linked directly to Sql database that would be even better then i would not need the http post section ..
All of my information is stored in a sql database for me to output using php .
Thanks in advance for any help