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Close window with type *UIWindowType and ID on connected Client.


procedure CloseClientUIWindow(UIWindowType : TUIWindowType;ID : Cardinal);

TUIWindowType = (wtPaperdoll, wtStatus, wtCharProfile, wtContainer);


def CloseClientUIWindow(UIWindowType, ID)

where UIWindowType is

        {0: 0, '0': 0, 'wtpaperdoll': 0, 'paperdoll': 0,
        1: 1, '1': 1, 'wtstatus': 1, 'status': 1,
        2: 2, '2': 2, 'wtcharprofile': 2, 'charprofile': 2, 'profile': 2,
        3: 3, '3': 3, 'wtcontainer': 3, 'container': 3}