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Retrieve info about 3 gump elements for the gump with list index GumpIndex

Returns nothing if gump index incorrect (out of gumps list) or char disconnected.

Method is similar to GetGumpButtonsDescription and GetGumpShortLines, but contains FULL gump info, including all elements and text lines.

Example of method work: ```objectpascal Serial: 1A1B9F
GumpID: 11CC34F
X: 0000
Y: 0000
Pages: 13
Gump Options: NoDispose NoClose

GumpPics: X Y ID Page
GumpPic: 480 367 2443 0

TilePics: X Y ID Page
0 TilePic: 80 94 5099 2
1 TilePic: 230 94 5103 2
47 TilePic: 230 184 5176 12
48 TilePic: 80 274 5181 12

ResizePics: X Y ID Width Height Page
0 ResizePic: 20 20 5054 540 40 0
1 ResizePic: 20 60 5054 360 300 0
2 ResizePic: 380 60 5054 180 300 0
3 ResizePic: 20 360 5054 540 70 0

CheckBoxes: X Y Released_ID Pressed_ID Status Return_value Page
0 CheckBox: 140 395 210 211 0 1537 0

GumpTexts: X Y Color Text_ID Page
0 GumpText: 159 30 51 0 0
1 GumpText: 60 371 900 1 0
61 GumpText: 223 229 900 62 12
62 GumpText: 73 319 900 63 12

TextEntries: X Y Width Height Status Color Return_value Default_text_id Page
0 TextEntry: 487 370 100 30 0 513 5 0

Text Lines:
Make last (ringmail gloves)
Repair Item
How Many?


War Hammer
Hammer Pick

GumpButtons: X Y Released_ID Pressed_ID Quit Page_ID Return_value Page
0 GumpButton: 40 372 208 209 1 0 1025 0
1 GumpButton: 40 395 208 209 1 0 1026 0
50 GumpButton: 200 164 1209 1210 1 0 5176 12
51 GumpButton: 50 254 1209 1210 1 0 5180 12

Pascal Syntax:

procedure GetGumpFullLines(GumpIndex : Integer; var TL : TStringList);

Warning: param (with type TStringList) should be created before calling GetFindedList and be disposed after!

Pascal Example:

b : TStringList; 
i,k : Integer; 

b := TStringList.Create; 
for i := 0 to GetGumpsCount - 1 do 
  if b.Count > 0 then
    for k := 0 to b.Count - 1 do   
      if b.Strings[i] = 'xxx' then
      //some work here  

Python Syntax:

def GetGumpFullLines(GumpIndex): --> list of string