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Fill UserList by ids from IgnoreList in string format. If IgnoreList is empty, returns false and empty list, else true.

IgnoreList filled up by Ignore and IgnoreOff, cleaned by IgnoreReset

WARNING! IDs in list in hex!

Pascal Syntax:

function GetIgnoreList(var UserList : TStringList) : Boolean;

Warning: var with type TStringList should be created before calling GetIgnoreList and be disposed after!

Pascal Example 1:

//that is used for demonstration purpose only, you can use IgnoreOff without this check.
procedure RemoveFromIgnoreList(ID : Cardinal);
var List: TStringList; i: Integer;
  List := TStringList.Create;
  if GetIgnoreList(List) = False then Exit;
  if List.IndexOf(IntToHex(ID,8)) = -1 then

Python Syntax:

def GetIgnoreList(): --> dict of string