Search for the objects with specified array of types ***ObjTypes *** and array of colors ***Colors *** in the array of Containers Containers.
InSub select search mode for subcontainers - true or false.
Returns the last object found using the function.
If no objects found, or char disconnected - returns 0.
NB: Method inside will go through each type\color\location and execute a simple findtypeex command.
Search result:
- A list of found objects can be obtained ny methods GetFindedList or GetFoundItems
- The last object was found also stored in FindItem
- FindCount returns amount of found items (without stacks content)
- FindQuantity returns quantity of last finded object (object field).
- FindFullQuantity returns amount of found items (including stacks content)
Search distance modifiers:
- FindDistance - specifies the search range by horizontal
- FindVertical - specifies the search range by vertical
Array items in parameter Containers can be:
- Backpack
- Ground
- $FFFFFFFF(= -1)
- ID of the required container (if object with ID not exists, searching in Backpack)
If ObjTypes contains item -1 ($FFFF) - will search ANY objects.
If Colors contains item -1 ($FFFF) - will search objects with ANY color.
function FindTypesArrayEx(ObjTypes : array of Word;Colors : array of Word;Containers : array of Cardinal;InSub : Boolean) : Cardinal;
def FindTypesArrayEx(ObjTypes, Colors, Containers, InSub): -> uint
Example Pascal
FindDistance := 20;
FindVertical := 10;
FindTypesArrayEx([$29A, $29B, $190, $191, $25d, $25e, $192, $193, $25f, $260, $2ea, $2ec, $2ed, $84, $f6, $19, $db, $51, $7a, $2ee, $2e8, $2e9, $2eb, $117, $116, $115],[$FFFF],[Ground],false);
AddToSystemJournal('FindCount = ' + IntToStr(FindCount));