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Change skill lock state.

Possible skillState values: 0 - skill will increase, 1 - skill will decrease, 2 - skill locked.

Default Skill names(can be changes on custom shards): ```objectpascal 'Alchemy' 'Anatomy' 'Animal Lore' 'Item ID' 'Arms Lore' 'Parrying' 'Begging' 'Blacksmithing' 'Bowcraft' 'Peacemaking' 'Camping' 'Carpentry' 'Cartography' 'Cooking' 'Detect Hidden' 'Enticement' 'Evaluate Intelligence' 'Healing' 'Fishing' 'Forensic Evaluation' 'Herding' 'Hiding' 'Provocation' 'Inscription' 'Lockpicking' 'Magery' 'Magic Resistance' 'Tactics' 'Snooping' 'Musicianship' 'Poisoning' 'Archery' 'Spirit Speak' 'Stealing' 'Tailoring' 'Animal Taming' 'Taste Identification' 'Tinkering' 'Tracking' 'Veterinary' 'Swordsmanship' 'Mace Fighting' 'Fencing' 'Wrestling' 'Lumberjacking' 'Mining' 'Meditation' 'Stealth' 'Remove Trap' 'Necromancy' 'Focus' 'Chivalry' 'Bushido' 'Ninjitsu' 'Spellweaving' 'Mysticism' 'Imbuing' 'Throwing' ```

Pascal Syntax:

procedure SetSkillLockState(SkillName : String; skillState : Byte);

Python Syntax:

def ChangeSkillLockState(SkillName, skillState):