To understand what events are consider a simple example: anti-macro gumps that appear in some shards. Typically, if for example you are crafting, while your macro is running the anti-macro gump can appear. In a normal macro you should check for the presence of the gump at every step, with events you can decentralize the check so that the gump can be handled independently while the main macro is running.
Another example where events may be useful is to check the state of connection in a separate place than the main script.
To create events you use the following syntax:
To empty events you need to specify an empty handler
SetEventProc(evSpeech,' ');
- Events called, when
method called, so its not a real parallel execution. BTW, thats the reason of using Wait instead of Sleep in Python - when events raised, its added to events queue, and executed in script one by one. Thats why you should NEVER put in event handler heavy things like moving, waiting for something, etc. Only light&fast code!
- Event available for all internal and external scripts, working same everywhere.
evItemInfo : [ID : Cardinal] - Incoming Item (not mobile!)
evItemDeleted : [ID : Cardinal] - Item deleted
evSpeech : [Text : String, SenderName : String, SenderID: Cardinal] - common incoming message
evMoveRejection : [Xorig, Yorig, Dir, XDest, YDest : Word] - server rejected the movement, not allowed to step
evDrawContainer : [ID, ModelGump : Cardinal] - drawing container (0x24 bag)
evAddItemToContainer : [ObjID, ContainerID : Cardinal]
evAddMultipleItemsInCont : [ContainerID : Cardinal] - Couple of items added to container, packet 0x3c
evRejectMoveItem : [Reason : Byte] - drag \ drop rejection
evDrawObject : [ID : Cardinal] - drawing any mobile (chars&npc)
evMenu : [DialogID : Cardinal, MenuID : Word] - a Menu popped out
evMapMessage : [ID : Cardinal, centerx : Word, centery : Word] - Treasure discovered
evAllow_RefuseAttack : [ID : Cardinal, Attack_OK : Boolean] (ID = 0 if Attack_OK = False)
evCharAnimation : [ID : Cardinal, Action : Word]
evClilocSpeech : [SenderID : String, SenderName : String, ClilocID : Cardinal, Text : String]
evBuff_DebuffSystem : [ID : Cardinal, Attribute_ID : Word, IsEnabled : Boolean] - A (de)buff is (de)activated
evClientSendResync : [] - Stealth (or the client through it) sent resync
evIncomingGump : [Serial : Cardinal,GumpID : Cardinal, X: Integer, Y: Integer] - incoming gump
evTimer1 : [] - no params, called every 100ms
evTimer2 : [] - no params, called every 100ms
evWindowsMessage : [Param : Dword] : Received window message (Windows only!)
evSound : [Sound_ID : Cardinal, X , Y : Word, Z : ShortInt] - sound and its coordinates
evDeath : [Dead : Boolean] - If True Dead, else alive
evQuestArrow : [fQuestArrowX, fQuestArrowY : Word, fQuestArrowActive : Boolean]
evPartyInvite : [Inviter_ID : Cardinal] - some one is inviting us in party
evMapPin: [ID :Dword; Action, PinID : Byte; X, Y : Word ] - Marked point on map.
evGumpTextEntry: [fGumpTextEntryID : Dword; Title - String; InputStyle : Byte; MaxValue : Dword; Title2 : String] - String Entry, look like gump, but really not.
evGraphicalEffect: [_srcID: Cardinal; _srcX, _srcY: Word; _srcZ : SmallInt; _dstID : Cardinal; _dstX, _dstY: Word; _dstZ : Smallint; _type : Byte; _itemID: Word; _fixedDir: Byte] -Graphical Effect.
evIRCIncomingText: [Message : String] - IRC incoming message
evMessengerEvent: [Sender : TMessenger; SenderNickName : String; SenderId, ChatId : String; EventMsg : String; EventCode : Byte] - more info in Messengers manual.
evSetGlobalVar: [VarName: String; VarValue: String] - The event is triggered when global variable is set from SetGlobal(‘stealth’,VarName,VarValue) or from external script.
evUpdateObjStats: [ID,CurLife,MaxLife,CurMana,ObjectInfo._MaxMana,CurStam,MaxStam : Integer] - fired when any of stats changed. Usually thats stats of our char.
evGlobalChat: [MsgNum: Word, Name, Text : String] - incoming global chat action.
Deprecated events:
evUnicodeSpeech: deprecated, used no longer (use evSpeech).
evClilocSpeechAffix: deprecated, used no longerŅ (use evClilocSpeech).
evDrawGamePlayer: deprecated, used no longer (use evDrawObject).
evUpdateChar: deprecated, used no longer (use evDrawObject).
evICQDisconnect : [] - deprecated, Windows only!)
evICQConnect : [] - deprecated, Windows only!)
evICQIncomingText : [uin, Text] - deprecated, Windows only!)
evICQError : [Text : String] - - deprecated, Windows only!)
//Pascal Sample
Program Test;
procedure Speech(text,SenderName : String; SenderID : Cardinal);
AddToSystemJournal('Event! Unicode Speech: SenderID = $'+ IntToHex(SenderID,8) + ' ; SenderName = ' + SenderName + '; SenderText : ' + text);
procedure Char_Animation(ID : Cardinal; Action : Word);
AddToSystemJournal('Event! Char Animation: ID = $'+ IntToHex(ID,8) + ' ; Action = ' + IntToStr(Action));
procedure multiple_Items(ContainerID : Cardinal);
AddToSystemJournal('Event! Add multiple Items In Cont: ContID = $'+ IntToHex(ContainerID,8));
while True do
#Python sample
def drawCallback(objectID):
SetEventProc('evDrawObject', Callback=drawCallback)
while True: