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Set hook for ONE incoming gump and check ALL existing gumps in stealth gump list for containing checkbox with “return_value” CheckBoxID, if found - changing its “status” to Value. Normally, “status” 0 mean unchecked, any other - checked.

NB: This method does NOT send a gump reply to server, it’s just changing checkboxes status values. For reply to gump use WaitGump or NumGumpButton


procedure GumpAutoCheckBox(CheckBoxID : Integer; Value : Integer);

Pascal Example:

    GumpAutoCheckBox(1537, 1); //set hook for gump ckeckbox with return_value 1537, to set its status to 1(checked)
    WaitGump('7956');   //set hook for gump button with return_value 7956. If found - send gump reply.
    UseObject(FindType($1EB9,backpack));//use hammer for receiving gump.


def GumpAutoCheckBox(CBID, Value)